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zond-logoZOND software package – Software for the interpretation of geophysical data are widespread. Depending on the nature of the application, they encompass many different directions in geophysics. Many of these software are for seismic data interpretation. The ZOND software package is oriented mainly for near surface geophysics.

The package has been developing during the 21st century and includes applications for electric prospecting, seismic, magnetic and gravity surveys. The main focus is on DC and AC resisitivity methods however modules for seismic interpretation are planned for the near future.  Official website

Inversion for arbitrary layered model in ZondRes2D (video presentaion)

geotomo_sotwareGeotomo Software – RES2DINV is the 2D resistivity and IP inversion software. Besides normal land surface surveys, it also supports underwater and cross-borehole surveys. In addition to the standard Wenner (alpha, beta, gamma), Wenner-Schlumberger, pole-pole, pole-dipole, inline dipole-dipole, equatorial dipole-dipole arrays; it also supports non-conventional electrode arrangements. It is probably an order of magnitude faster than some other commercially available 2D inversion software. The program supports survey lines with up to 16000 electrodes and 27000 data points. Multicore CPU support is now available in RES2DINVx32 and RES3DINVx64

RES3DINV is the 3D resistivity and IP inversion software, and it is probably the first widely available commercial software of this type. 3D surveys are more time-consuming and expensive to carry out, but could be useful for very complex geological situations. To reduce costs to the user, RES3DINV is sold as a combined package with RES2DINV which costs only about 25% more than the RES2DINV program alone. It supports surveys with up to about 10000 electrodes and 150000 data points. In addition to surveys with a traditional rectangular grid of electrodes, it also supports surveys with trapezoidal grids and even arbitrary electrodes arrangements which is common in rugged and/or forested areas. It now supports parallel calculations on multi-core CPUs that significantly reduces the inversion time for very large survey grids. On a modern quad-core based microcomputer, the data inversion takes less than a minute for small surveys with 200 electrodes in a flat area, to a day for extermely large surveys with with thousands of electrodes in rugged terrain. Support for mult-core CPUs is now available with RES3DINVx32 and RES3DINVx64.. Official website